Monday 22 April 2024

WFRP 1e and 2e Careers: The Grave Robber

The Grave Robber is one of those pretty rubbish Rogue careers that there were quite a few of in 1e, probably more so on average than in the rest of the Classes. It only offers two skills, the Silent Move urban and rural variants, and maybe Spot Trap too, if you are lucky. It doesn't have advances which intuitively make sense either - given the lack of combat skills proposed, it is difficult to see why they should get an advance in WS, and even more so, BS. On the other hand, if you are going to equip someone with a spade as part of their basic gear, then giving them a Strength advance would seem reasonable.

Even the Career Exits are somewhat odd - you can't move directly from Grave Robber to Tomb Robber (!) but you can to Bodyguard. Physician's Student and Rat Catcher are fine though.

The 2e Grave Robber is, as usual, somewhat better.

Drive is a good shout for a skill. I think that Flee! is okay, as is Resistance to Disease potentially and maybe Haggle too. Scale Sheer Surface seems a stretch though, as does Gossip and Secret Signs. Other potentially relevant skills are Sixth Sense and Night Vision.

I think one potentially interesting asset would be that a Grave Robber would, if it came down to it, have a shot at getting hold of a Necromancer. In some ways it is a pity that WFRP doesn't have a 'Contacts' system the way that some of my other games (T2000, Shadowrun) do.

So my proposed revision for this career is:

It doesn't look too bad, although how good the career is 'off the bat' will depend of course on the random rolls. But there is every chance of having a few useful skills in there.

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